Hmmmm...I am using Windows Vista Ultimate. I found 2K12 Folder in Program Files but there is NO "Saved Games" folder there. Would that folder be loacted somewhere else?
So if I start a new franchise now, will it be populated with players traded to teams during 2012. For example...will Kevin Youkilis be on the White Sox roster at the beginning of the Franchise season?
I finished my regular franchise schedule. Had a winning record. I'm ready for playoffs and world series. But nothing seems to be happening. Is there no playoffs or world series in the Franchise Mode??? :search:
Mine is working okay with no fix. It does take a little longer to leave the "online content check" screen compared to when the season was still going. Maybe about 45-60 seconds before leaving the screen and the game starting. I just go to the fridge adn grab a can of pop. :rofl:
I did the date change thing and it works now. I went back to July. Good grief. Pretty pathetic that you have to do this to play the game. But at least we have folks that figured out the workaround. :good:
Are you saying change the calender date at the botom right corner of the Windows desktop? I tried that. Changed it to yesterday and then to a month ago and neither one worked. I am using Windows XP Pro.
Tried to start the game today and it locked up right after a failure to sign on to 2K Sports for the updates. Tried 3 times to play and same thing each time. In the past when I couldn't sign on it just went to the game. Anyone else have this problem?
Is there any way of importing current MLB rosters into a Franchise game I am playing? I don't mean downloading and installing a mod, I mean a way to do it within the game.
If you bought 2K12 to play online I'm afraid you will be disappointed. I tried online play and it was just not doable. Lag was terrible and I had no control of what was going on.