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frankenspock's Achievements

Draft Pick

Draft Pick (1/10)

  1. Good stuff. Why is that everytime somebody does something complicated and awesome, somebody else needs to tell them "you have too much free time"? We should all have enough free time to things that are 1) complicated, 2) awesome and 3) slightly insane. The world would be way more interesting.
  2. D-pad down in-game brings up the substitution menu for me. Your other problem sounds like you don't have all the buttons assigned to things. Go through your controller setup and make sure you assign everything a controller button, even if it's not actually being used for anything in the game.
  3. Lincecum wasn't even a top ten starter last year, let alone the best player in the game. He's not as bad as he's looked so far, either, but he certainly is not a 99. Maybe not even a 90. Time will tell.
  4. You don't need to wait for the game to give you it as a goal. Just bunt when somebody's on base and move them over and it will count toward the six you need.
  5. Works great for me. Good job, thanks for the effort!
  6. Thanks!
  7. Fine, use another metric. He's been a 4-5 WAR guy since he came into the league. That hardly makes him "unsustainable" if he can't replicate a once-in-a-lifetime season (or any less worthy of being on a video game box cover, which is how this got started.) In fact, if you believe Fangraphs, he was more valuable in 2009 than last year.
  8. No, he means that the zip you have up for download here includes only the Normal Install folder, not the Ty's Editor folder you usually include. Nice work as always, thanks for doing this.
  9. Crazy talk. 2006: 17-9, 3.63 2007: 18-6, 3.66 2008: 11-17, 4.84 <-- aberration 2009: 19-9, 3.45 2010: 18-9, 3.37 2011: 24-5, 2.40
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