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File Comments posted by aceshigh

  1. does not work for me keeps saying pamusic file is broken

    Weird. This is the first time I hear of something like this. Maybe your download was corrupted? Try to download it again and hopefully it will work. Or maybe you have tried editing the files yourself?

  2. Thanks for your comments, guys! No, I don't play hockey (mind you, I am Italian lol hockey isn't big at all here and I barely even know the rules haha). I just put a lot of pump up songs. When I watch games on mlb.tv I try to pay attention to the music that is played in the background at the park, and when I hear a song that I like, I put it in the game :) So, yeah, not a Blackhawks fan (even though I don't mind them, but then again, I don't follow NHL much). If anyone has a tip about what kind of music would be closer to the reality of a ballpark, then feel free to hit me up, so I can make this work even better . There is always room for improving ;)

  3. This is an absolute gem. Wonderful work!

    EDIT: For fun I just played a game with the previous version of this park and the difference is just crazy :D The new "lit up" buildings in the back and the little touches like the Holiday Inn sign give a whole new atmosphere to the whole thing. Beautiful stuff. Thank you!

  4. Too kind, my friend! :) If I could have it my way, I would change all of the game audios and make the game even more realistic, for all teams. Imagine hearing the "strikeout whistle" when you strikeout at Yankee Stadium, or the roll call during the first inning... The possibilities would be endless, but we have to do the best for what the game allows us to mod, sadly.

  5. This Tops! Glad you got rid of the lady at the start of a game.

    Ummmm, I didn't? lol

    If you want to take out some songs that you don't like, you can do it yourself by downloading the audio editor :) I just put in a few that I thought would create a nice stadium-like atmosphere, but you can easily change them all yourself if you want. Of course, this is coming from an Italian person, who can only imagine what a baseball stadium atmosphere is like, so I'm sure there might be some mishaps here and there :p PM me if you need to know the IDs. Oh and thanks for your kind words!

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - FOX V2

       3078    18

    Also before I download the updated version that was just uploaded, which Fox theme is it? Because to my knowledge Fox has been messing with the theme throughout the years. It was actually just the NFL theme for a bit. Is the updated version just the NFL theme or actually the real MLB Fox theme that we all love and adore?

    Yeah, I wasn't able to tell which theme they were currently using, but the other night I was watching an Indians game and saw that the Fox theme wasn't the one I put in the V1 of this mod. After some research I was able to find the audio I needed and therefore I replaced the wrong one with it. My suggestion is for you to try it out (backup the two original files that this mod is going to replace) and see if you like it. Personally speaking, I like this V2 theme way more than V1 :)

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - FOX V2

       3078    18

    How did you replace the music files? I thought they were encrypted!

    Thanks to the user DYosua, who has tweaked the already existing NBA Audio Editor (for the NBA 2K series), we now have an audio editor that works with MLB 2K12 audio files. To this point we are able to edit all sounds except for the commentators and the PA announcer.

  6. Thank you! That means a lot, seriously :) Originally, I only wanted to make a sound mod for the main broadcasts (ESPN, Fox) but being a Yankees fan myself, and since the fanbase is pretty huge, I just had to do it. It gives that extra something to the game... Man if we could only have a YES scoreboard to match this!

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - FOX V2

       3078    18

    You may want to try sorting the audio files by the "Length" column in the editor (sorting by duration wouldn't work perfectly because the duration is converted to a string). That will group the files that are close in duration together, so if 2K spread the presentation music in multiple files (but is approximately the same length) they may be easier to find.

    Thanks for the heads up! I did try that, but I found it easier to just write down the IDs of the files I needed to replace and go with that, leaving the order the way it was. If I sort the files via the "Lenght" column, it gets even messier, because the sounds I replace would get mixed with some of the organist sounds, which are almost equal lenght as these tunes. At least they had the decency of putting together the audios that blare from the stadium speakers and those that are played in game, and not mix them with the other stadium sounds. The problem is that their order makes no sense...

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - FOX V2

       3078    18

    Speak of the devil. Today the game played the stock music (just once in maybe 6 or 7 games of testing) during the lineup presentation. I went through the files and I found no audio that I could have missed. Weird. Still, as I said, that might happen just once in a loooong while. The way they have organized the audios inside their .bin files, it's impossible to find them all lol I have found audios that I have NEVER EVER heard in two years of playing this game!

    Also, yes, this version includes a wider variety of songs compared to the ESPN mod, but that's just because there's plenty of audios to work with :) Hope you guys are enjoying it, I surely am! ;)

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - FOX V2

       3078    18

    All you need to do is open "part 1" and extract to the desktop both the files that it contains. You don't need to open part two, but you will need to download it as well. After that, you will have the two files you need and it will just be a matter of cutting/pasting the files into the MLB 2K12 game folder. That's it :)

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - ESPN

       2160    26

    I have mlbtv. One of these nights ill record some STO music for you

    If you could record some CSN music too, I'd fly over there and personally thank you lol The only version that's around is not good enough to work with, sadly :(

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - ESPN

       2160    26

    Nice work. Good to hear other songs than the same old tunes. Makes it seem like a whole new game. Maybe you can get the STO Theme somehow that would be great. Thank again...

    I have tried looking for it but I can't find it :( I'd love to make a sound mod for most tv broadcasts, but I am having a hard time finding a lot of tunes. I really wanted to make a sound mod to match the CSN scoreboard and my SF Giants franchise, but it looks like I'll have to wait until someone extracts it from somewhere and post it on youtube: that's where I find most of the themes. I'll be on the hunt though. If any of you happen to stumble upon some tv themes, please don't hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to make a sound mod with the themes you want, when I have some free time :)

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - ESPN

       2160    26

    if there in two parts how y get them together to put them in game?

    You just open part one, drag and drop the .bin file on to the desktop and it will automatically extract part two as well, into just one file. When you're done extracting there will only be one "pamusic.bin" file and you will need to place it into the game folder. Job done! Hope it helps! :)

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - ESPN

       2160    26

    How do you "combine" the two files? When I extract part two it wants to replace part one. Then it doesn't work....how do you recombine the two files?

    You just open part one, drag and drop the bin file on to the desktop or the game folder and it will automatically extract part two as well. No need to extract part two also. You need to have both parts on your computer though.

    Thanks everyone for the nice comments, I really hope you are enjoying the mod! And brace yourselves because the MLB on FOX mod is in the making and should be out sooner than expected... and it sounds better than ever!

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - ESPN

       2160    26

    No it isn't. Or at least shouldn't be. I just downloaded it and it works fine on my end. What is the problem it gives you?

    EDIT: I have just downloaded the files once more (two times in total) and it works wonderfully. Just throwing it out there, have you downloaded both parts? If you don't download both archives, you will not be able to extract the file. Or maybe you just got a bad download.

    MLB 2K14 Sound mod - ESPN

       2160    26

    Thank you both guys :) It's nice to be finally able to give back to the community. Currently uploading a new version, with more fixed volumes (some songs were a little bit low on volume) so by the time you get home you will probably find the better version out ;)

  7. Scotty, awesome job with all those cyberfaces you released, not just these but all of them! Your work has definitely improved A LOT and it gives a whole new aspect to the game! Thank you so much!

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