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Everything posted by aceshigh

  1. There's not such thing as a stupid question All files go in the main folder of the game, so if you have the dvd version of the game, they should go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12 If you have downloaded the game from Steam, they should go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mlb 2k12 The only things that don't go in that folder are the roster (.ros), the franchise (.fxg) and the sliders (.sld) file. You can place those here: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\2K Sports\Major League Baseball 2K12\Saves
    We did it!!!! This is wonderful stuff. Amazing job, everybody!
  2. Hope all is well now and that things will get even better. Gonna give your stadium a shot tomorrow and I can't wait, cause it looks glorious!
  3. Man, you've been on a roll... I went for an old school kind of soundtrack (except for a couple songs) and with a few bands that were mentioned earlier in the thread, but it's not completely set yet, so please do chime in with your thoughts: - Blur - Song 2 - Kiss - Rock n' Roll All Night - Motorhead - Ace of Spades (not too sure about this one, if you have a better song that would fit a 2 minutes and 50 seconds slot, send your suggestions) - The Police - So Lonely - Warrant - Cherry Pie - David Bowie - Heroes - Rolling Stones - Start Me Up - Sister Sledge - We Are Family - Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back In Town - Scorpions - Rock You Like a Hurricane - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop - Bruce Springsteen - Glory Days - Motley Crue - Kickstart My Heart
  4. The soundtrack is ready! Should I upload it here or send it to someone who will release it with the full package when the time comes?
  5. Weird. This is the first time I hear of something like this. Maybe your download was corrupted? Try to download it again and hopefully it will work. Or maybe you have tried editing the files yourself?
  6. That should work! Will include this I have something put together, but I am still not sure about a few songs. If you guys have reccomendations with a song you would like to hear in the soundtrack, please do link it to me like KC just did and I will do my best to make it fit in the soundtrack slots. As far a the portraits go, I like Scotty's idea of mixing both portrait packs.
  7. Thanks for your comments, guys! No, I don't play hockey (mind you, I am Italian lol hockey isn't big at all here and I barely even know the rules haha). I just put a lot of pump up songs. When I watch games on mlb.tv I try to pay attention to the music that is played in the background at the park, and when I hear a song that I like, I put it in the game So, yeah, not a Blackhawks fan (even though I don't mind them, but then again, I don't follow NHL much). If anyone has a tip about what kind of music would be closer to the reality of a ballpark, then feel free to hit me up, so I can make this work even better . There is always room for improving
  8. Well, you could tweak the 'strike zone accuracy' slider in the difficulty sliders. What's the value you set it on? Also, don't let the results of only one game influence you. The games are really random. For example, I have simmed one game one day (I believe it was Nationals at Tigers, with Strasbourg - Verlander pitching) and the game only had 3 hits per side going into the 12th inning. I thought I had to tweak the hitting slider but I didn't and simmed another game, same pitchers, same lineups, same sliders and I had a bloody slugfest with hits in the double digits for both teams. My suggestion is for you to sim around 10/15 or even 20 games before making a decision.
  9. I have seen that happen a lot. I doubt there is a way to change that, sadly :/ It's like the game waits for the player animation to end (like when the player is shaking dirt off his uniform) before letting him run to third. All you can do to keep that from happening is to NOT let the player slide into second base, and "tell" the player to get to third base before he gets into second base. It is recommended that you do it at about halfway through the player's run to second base.
  10. aceshigh

    My player

    Then I am afraid your only hope to go to bat with your pitcher is to play against a National League team, on their home turf.
  11. Another correction: Erick Aybar (LAA) and Mike Pelfrey (MIN) share the same CF number
  12. ​Are you using the newest V6 roster by BSU-Fan? You find it here: http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/8933-mlb2k15bybsufan/ and it will fix everything. If you wanna play the franchise, then you should download this http://www.mvpmods.com/files/file/8934-mlb2k15bybsufanfx/ Instead of starting a new franchise from inside the game, you should load this file and you'll be good to go
  13. Heck yes! I'm already working on something, but like I mentioned in a similar topic, I would like the soundtrack to have at least one song picked by each modder who helped building the full package. If you guys don't like this idea then I might just put something together myself and release it with the full package when the time comes
  14. ​Thank you for your kind words! If someone could figure out a way to "unlock" the Audio Editor, then we'd be good to go! We could maybe even change the Justin Verlander line at the beginning, which I wasn't able to find after the countless hours spent rummaging through the audio files of the game. Oh and I'm sure we're not stuck on the other categories, I was just referring to what concerns my field of modding Guys, I'm definitely excited about this
  15. ​lol No problem bud. Amazing work once again, thank you!
  16. Hey BSU, I just wanted to point out that the V6 roster that you uploaded is the .fxg version, not the actual .ros file
  17. As far as the audio goes, the mods that have been posted on this site already are all we can mod (and they are all pretty much final versions), unless someone wants to take a shot at improving the various ambient sounds and noises, because I wouldn't know where to start with that. If DYosua can come up with a new version of the audio modding tool, which would allow us to play and replace the commentators' lines as well, that would be great, but for the moment I'm afraid we are stuck. What we could still add: -New home run horns for the remaining teams (I still need help with those) -New soundtrack for the game Everyone, feel free to point out any way to improve the existing sound mods in the support thread or by contacting me via pm, because I'd like to make them as realistic as possible, and comments/tips can only make everything better
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