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Everything posted by aceshigh

  1. As far as the audio goes, the mods that have been posted on this site already are all we can mod (and they are all pretty much final versions), unless someone wants to take a shot at improving the various ambient sounds and noises, because I wouldn't know where to start with that. If DYosua can come up with a new version of the audio modding tool, which would allow us to play and replace the commentators' lines as well, that would be great, but for the moment I'm afraid we are stuck. What we could still add: -New home run horns for the remaining teams (I still need help with those) -New soundtrack for the game Everyone, feel free to point out any way to improve the existing sound mods in the support thread or by contacting me via pm, because I'd like to make them as realistic as possible, and comments/tips can only make everything better
  2. I am not opposed to this, but asking before using the mods wouldn't have hurt... At least make sure credits are given, cause people have put in A LOT of work in this and it's the least you can do.
  3. ​Woah so I did the right thing by not using the cloud saves as well! Thank you for mentioning that! I have always trusted my computer and every once in a while I will backup the saves on my external hard drive. I hate the fact that you HAVE to go through Origin to play, though, which means that you NEED to have an internet connection to access the game, so when I am travelling and I don't have wi-fi I cannot access my career. I don't play online (no Ultimate Team, no Tournaments, nothing), I exclusively play a career as a manager, which needs no connection... That has always ticked me off quite a bit... But then again, I immediately forget about all of that when I fire the game up and I see that it looks better than its PS4 counterpart
  4. That is so weird, I have never had issues with saves and I have been playing Fifa since 2012. Only when I load a mod that changes the database I will get a corrupted file, but I have always been able to get it back. Sorry to see you quit like that :/
    Outstanding stuff, like always. Many thanks raiders!
  5. The all new ROOT Sports version of the sound mod is available for download!
  6. Fire up the game, load the roster you wanna use, then go to "Management" in the main menu, then "Rosters", find McCutchen (or any player you wanna edit) press "A" on your Xbox Controller (if that's what you're using) and go to "Edit Player". In the menu that appears, you should find "Skin tone". Edit the skin tone to your liking. Done
  7. You're welcome, you can try the 2K14 versions while you're waiting
  8. It says the file is pending approval. It should be available soon
  9. MLB 2K15 Sound mod - All in one View File New season, new themes! If you have already downloaded the 2K14 version of the Sound Mod, you will already know what it does. In case you're new to all of this, let me sum it up really quick for ya. What I aim to do with this mod is to completely replace 2K's stock game introduction, lineup presentation and mid inning music with various TV broadcast themes. You may find the themes might not be 100% like in real life, as I had to work with limited audio files (it's really hard to find some themes, even on youtube), and this is the best I could do with the little material (and time!) that I had. I also completely replaced the music that plays from the stadiums' speakers with 50 different songs, so you will no longer hear that awful soundtrack that 2K12 came with, during the games and you will hear a wider variety of songs. I chose these songs according to what most players use as walk-up songs or what you'd usually hear in a ballpark or stadium. If you don't like some of the tunes, you're still more than welcome to mention it in the comments or go right ahead and replace the files yourselves with the Audio Editor, putting in the music that you prefer! The 2K15 version is the result of a whole winter of work, making sure that all of the songs volumes were balanced so that now you should no longer hear songs covering the commentators who are trying to do their job. I have also added a few more songs that should make the game feel more 2015, alongside a few classics. Those who already tried the 2K14 version of this mod won't notice much difference, as I only did minor tweaks to the overall presentation, however there is a better variety of songs playing in the stadiums during games For better results during games, I suggest you use these volumes: Commentary 100 Crowd 95/100 PA Announcer 65/70 I decided not to upload each version of this mod separately, but to put them into one big folder instead. You will still be able to download the version you prefer without having to download them all. The files are divided in two parts because they were too big to be uploaded to the website, so you have to download both parts before extracting the files. For example, if you are interested in the CSN version of this mod, all you have to do is download "CSN.part1.rar" and "CSN.part2.rar" and you'll be good to go. HOW TO INSTALL: Download both parts of the file. Open part 1 and extract the included files to the game's main folder, overwriting the pre-existing ones. Done. There is no need to open part 2 and extract the files contained in it as well, however you do need to have both parts on your computer when extracting. ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR ORIGINAL FILES so you can go back to them, in case you don't like these ones! I really hope you guys enjoy it. Please rate it, leave a comment of any kind or a review. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. IF YOU ARE GONNA USE ANY OF THESE MODS FOR YOUR PERSONAL PATCH/FULL PACKAGE OR IF YOU'RE GONNA RELEASE THESE SOMEWHERE ELSE, YOU'RE MORE THAN WELCOME TO DO SO, BUT IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED IF YOU MESSAGED ME BEFORE DOING ANY OF THAT. ALSO, PLEASE BE SURE TO GIVE CREDITS TO THIS WEBSITE, ME AND THE PEOPLE WHO RELEASED/MODDED THE AUDIO EDITOR WHERE DUE. Being polite has never hurt anyone, but it's hurtful to see mods being released somewhere else, with someone else taking credit for it or not acknowledging where they downloaded them from. If you want to request a particular broadcast, please PM me or comment here and I'll see what I can do in my spare time. If you happen to have some good quality audio files from tv broadcasts for future sound mod projects, feel free to PM me, because some TV broadcast themes are really hard if not impossible to find. Thanks the whole community for the support, the modders who are helping to keep 2K15 alive and those who provided me audio files to work with. Most importantly, a huge thank you goes to DYosua for modding the awesome Audio Editor created by Leftos and nesa24 of the NBA-live forums! Submitter aceshigh Submitted 04/29/2015 Category Audio
  10. Version 1.0


    New season, new themes! If you have already downloaded the 2K14 version of the Sound Mod, you will already know what it does. In case you're new to all of this, let me sum it up really quick for ya. What I aim to do with this mod is to completely replace 2K's stock game introduction, lineup presentation and mid inning music with various TV broadcast themes. You may find the themes might not be 100% like in real life, as I had to work with limited audio files (it's really hard to find some themes, even on youtube), and this is the best I could do with the little material (and time!) that I had. I also completely replaced the music that plays from the stadiums' speakers with 50 different songs, so you will no longer hear that awful soundtrack that 2K12 came with, during the games and you will hear a wider variety of songs. I chose these songs according to what most players use as walk-up songs or what you'd usually hear in a ballpark or stadium. If you don't like some of the tunes, you're still more than welcome to mention it in the comments or go right ahead and replace the files yourselves with the Audio Editor, putting in the music that you prefer! The 2K15 version is the result of a whole winter of work, making sure that all of the songs volumes were balanced so that now you should no longer hear songs covering the commentators who are trying to do their job. I have also added a few more songs that should make the game feel more 2015, alongside a few classics. Those who already tried the 2K14 version of this mod won't notice much difference, as I only did minor tweaks to the overall presentation, however there is a better variety of songs playing in the stadiums during games For better results during games, I suggest you use these volumes: Commentary 100 Crowd 95/100 PA Announcer 65/70 I decided not to upload each version of this mod separately, but to put them into one big folder instead. You will still be able to download the version you prefer without having to download them all. The files are divided in two parts because they were too big to be uploaded to the website, so you have to download both parts before extracting the files. For example, if you are interested in the CSN version of this mod, all you have to do is download "CSN.part1.rar" and "CSN.part2.rar" and you'll be good to go. HOW TO INSTALL: Download both parts of the file. Open part 1 and extract the included files to the game's main folder, overwriting the pre-existing ones. Done. There is no need to open part 2 and extract the files contained in it as well, however you do need to have both parts on your computer when extracting. ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR ORIGINAL FILES so you can go back to them, in case you don't like these ones! I really hope you guys enjoy it. Please rate it, leave a comment of any kind or a review. Constructive criticism is always appreciated. IF YOU ARE GONNA USE ANY OF THESE MODS FOR YOUR PERSONAL PATCH/FULL PACKAGE OR IF YOU'RE GONNA RELEASE THESE SOMEWHERE ELSE, YOU'RE MORE THAN WELCOME TO DO SO, BUT IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED IF YOU MESSAGED ME BEFORE DOING ANY OF THAT. ALSO, PLEASE BE SURE TO GIVE CREDITS TO THIS WEBSITE, ME AND THE PEOPLE WHO RELEASED/MODDED THE AUDIO EDITOR WHERE DUE. Being polite has never hurt anyone, but it's hurtful to see mods being released somewhere else, with someone else taking credit for it or not acknowledging where they downloaded them from. If you want to request a particular broadcast, please PM me or comment here and I'll see what I can do in my spare time. If you happen to have some good quality audio files from tv broadcasts for future sound mod projects, feel free to PM me, because some TV broadcast themes are really hard if not impossible to find. Thanks the whole community for the support, the modders who are helping to keep 2K15 alive and those who provided me audio files to work with. Most importantly, a huge thank you goes to DYosua for modding the awesome Audio Editor created by Leftos and nesa24 of the NBA-live forums!
  11. Hello everyone, I've been trying to upload a mod into the 2K12/Audio section of the forum, but every single time I try to upload something the site says "There was an error uploading the file". When I was finally able to upload both files, when I clicked on the "Save and submit file" button, the site sent me to a blank page. I waited a few minutes, but to no avail. When I closed it and went back to the site to see if the mod had uploaded, it didn't appear in the downloads section, so I guess it failed uploading again. I don't think it's an issue due to the size of the mod itself (I have uploaded it with no problems in the past), but I have no idea what to do. Any ideas? Thanks for your help
  12. Things seem to be going well! Great job with the website layout btw, seems pretty realistic. You're making me want to start a dynasty myself lol
  13. Well, it would depend on the format they're downloaded into. Usually they are stereo, but the issue you just mentioned appears when you load a non-stereo song into the game (learning the hard way ). However, I'd open these songs with Audacity, that will show you if they are stereo or not.
  14. ​I don't have a favorite team in the British 4th division, therefore when I had to pick one to start my climb I picked the one with less money and less stars (York City was the only "half star" team in the British League in Fifa 14, so I had to go with that one) just to make it more fun I agree with you there, smaller clubs are way more fun to play with (but you should fix the sliders a little bit, or you might get unrealistic results) and they make your Fifa skills improve like crazy. Not to mention it feels good when you're able to discover hidden young stars! If you feel up to the challenge, you should download the "realistic market" mod, which makes the trades more realistic, although more expensive.
  15. A Fifa dynasty in a baseball site? Are you crazy? I'm just kidding of course, I'm glad to see there are other Fifa soccer (or football I should say) fans in here, it's what I play the most after 2K12. Also, it's good to see someone else willing to take on the challenge of starting with a 4th division team, taking it all the way up to the Premier League. I've been doing the same for the past few years with York City Having said that, good luck! I'll be following
  16. ​Are you sure they are stereo? The game won't play songs that aren't stereo...
  17. No problem bud, I was trying to figure out if he was talking about the same issue or if the issue is really in his gpu drivers... :D
  18. Is it the same problem we have talked about before here? '&do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  19. what's 'Meh' about The Show? I ask out of curiosity because I have never played the game and I was kinda tempted to try it this year for PS3... don't get me wrong, I will never jump boat and leave 2k (especially with the plans we have going on for 2k15), but I have always liked the way The Show looks and since I just got a ps3, I sincerely thought it was time to give it a try.
  20. This is an absolute gem. Wonderful work! EDIT: For fun I just played a game with the previous version of this park and the difference is just crazy The new "lit up" buildings in the back and the little touches like the Holiday Inn sign give a whole new atmosphere to the whole thing. Beautiful stuff. Thank you!
  21. It would be cool if each modder could pick a song or two for a total soundtrack mod That way I don't have to pick all songs by myself, especially if not everybody likes my taste in music! Also, that way we will include a little bit of everyone in it! Let me know what you guys think.
  22. First of all, I'd like to say that the cover looks stunning! Second, I'm definitely up for helping to make a 2K15 complete pack. I have been working on sound mods all winter trying to get all the volumes leveled up correctly and replacing a few songs with more modern stuff to reflect the 2015 season. It's still a work in progress, but I might have a Fox Postseason sound mod out as well. Not sure about TBS. Should I release those once I'm done working on them? Or should I wait so we can make just one huge 2K15 package? I'm so excited to be a part of this, it's gonna be amazing. You guys are doing an incredible job!
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