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Everything posted by aceshigh

  1. I really think this is what's needed to bring the game to the next level. Graphics wise, the game is unbelievable already. Now with the new soundtracks, the game will get even closer to reality. All I can say is THANK YOU ALL who are involved with this. I can't wait to see where the new sound mods will get us! raidersbball20, which file did you open to mod the intro music? Because the tool only lets me open the jukeboxmusic bin file. Do you think there is any way of modding the mid-inning/lineup presentation music as well? Keep up the awesome work!
  2. Awesome, thanks for the replies! At least I know there is a way, no matter how hard it is. Raidersbball20, I use the analog stick too, but it has happened only once in the 2 years that I've owned the game. It's gonna be kinda hard to master, as apparently I tend to "swing" too hard on the analog stick. I had to change the left stick twice, because of the cover coming off of it or the rubber wearing out. Thanks again!
  3. Hello people! Does anyone know how to check swing in MLB 2K12, using the Xbox 360 controller? If I remember well, in 2K11, all you had to do was stop the analog stick around halfway through the "swing", but this seems not to be working on 2K12, and I find myself swinging at really bad pitches all the time, even if I slightly push the stick. This happens both on contact swings and power swings. However, I once happened to notice that, during a power swing, I "swung" so fast that my thumb slipped off the stick and it accidentally pressed either the A or the X button on the controller (I don't remember which one) and the batter actually checked his swing! Since then, I have tried numerous times to make it happen again, with no results. So here I am, wondering if anyone else has an answer to this, because even the game's instruction manual doesn't help. Thanks in advance to whoever will chime in!
  4. Haven't seen them in forever. Probably one of the moderators will be able to tell you when they last logged in or if they got banned. Anyway, Wundabreadz's roster was finished by BSU-Fan and you will find it under the name "BSU-FAN Ultimate Roster". Wudl's roster was still a beta but he never finished it due to (if I remember well) "personal issues". He had his own formula to generate ratings for every player, but I don't know if he shared it with any of the other roster makers. He was actually helping me figure out a new set of sliders for his rosters.
  5. Hey man, this looks great! I cannot wait to see the others!
  6. I'm not sure about the franchise mode, you can always pick your starter when playing in that mode, it's never random... I also use that roster and that never happened to me. It shouldn't be a roster problem. However, when playing in "Play ball" mode the game always picks a random starter for both teams everytime you start a new game. You can still pick the starter you want to use by pressing the "back" button on the Xbox 360 controller right before you access the game (while the female announcer is presenting the starters) : that will get you to the menu in which you can modify your lineup and you can also pick the starter you want to use. You will not be able to change the CPU starter though, as that will always be random. I do not remember what key you need to press if you are using the keyboard... Hope this helps!
  7. I believe you have a similar question as in this thread . In that thread I also posted how I solved this issue on my computer, however I never got any feedback and therefore I am not entirely sure my solution worked for them. Give it a shot anyway, as it worked for me
  8. You should just logout from your 2K account from inside the game: in the main menu, go to features > online options > logout . That did it for me. Hope it helps!
  9. It would sure be interesting to see what you guys come up with! Good luck
  10. I have been experiencing this problem since I first bought the game, to be honest My "myplayer" wears glasses and there was absolutely no way for me to make him wear sunglasses when at the plate. In the end I gave up and put the prescription glasses, which appear both on the field and when at the plate. Same problem happened with BSU Fan's "No Fake Names v5" roster and lifo's latest roster. I didn't know you could include glasses in the cyberfaces. Let me ask you though, wouldn't the glasses appear in night games also? Or is there a way to hide them during those? Pardon the silly quesion but I'm a complete ignorant when it comes to modding
  11. That would be a great add! As far as I know, the only way to make glasses appear during the at bats AND on the field is to choose the option for the prescription glasses. However, they are no sunglasses, as the lenses are clear. Good luck trying to solve this problem!
  12. I (sadly) agree with that wholeheartedly, as well as all of what was said above. Does it really cost that much for developers to release a porting version of a game for PC? I really don't care if it doesn't have next gen/HD graphics. It's kinda sad to know that they would rather release a Wii version...
  13. This news made my day until I read that it was for every possible platform BUT pc. It pisses me off when you read articles saying stuff like "Since 2K's MLB series was retired, XBox users have been left without a baseball game". What about PC users? Anyway, I really wanna see where this goes, it's gonna be interesting.
  14. I was able to play just fine yesterday and on december 30th... Does the game work with the Beyondo trick?
  15. I'm not sure about the first question, but I can answer your second: Yes you can do it, as long as you save the second career with a different name (I usually call them "MyPlayer" plus the name of the team I'm playing with). You're gonna have to create your player again however. Another thing to point out is that the MyPlayer square on the main menu of the game, from which you access that game mode, will only show the latest MyPlayer career you've been playing with. If you wanna load another MyPlayer career, you will have to go to "Load", find the career you wanna play with, and just load it. Simple as that Hope this helped and hope someone else can help with your first question!
  16. I did indeed and you can see a couple pictures I posted in the "Post your game pictures" thread also. Luckily they do not have Hamilton in their lineup yet (again, old rosters) and he was a pain to deal with in the ALDS. At this point, I'm kinda glad I'm playing the 2012 season still Pujols is a base-hitting machine, unless I pitch out of the zone, then he chases most of the times. I have also noticed that Iannetta has something about homering twice in postseason games in the 2K game too lol
  17. The Yankees. It's gone pretty well, I got the best record and I beat the Rangers (who knocked out the Red Sox in the Wild Card game, so one more reason to be happy about the season so far) in the ALDS, and now I got stuck at the ALCS, against the Angels. We're currently tied 1-1 and now I'm struggling to find time to play the next game... However, I need to add that I'm still using last year's rosters, as there were no new rosters out when I started my season.
  18. oh yeah i bet you're pretty thrilled anyway probably now with the new generation consoles coming out, i will finally be able to afford a Ps3 haha. And i will indeed give you a shout first i gotta finish my season on 2K12 though. Its been postponed for too long! :D
  19. Well looks like i had missbed that part.... Sorry about that :(
  20. Probably because you know that the Yanks won't disappoint you? To answer your question, I wish I had a Ps3 to play The Show on but i am a computer aficionado so I'm kinda stuck with 2K12, which is still pretty solid, but if i could afford a ps3 then i'd definitely go for The Show
  21. Yeah, I have seen, and sometimes I kinda wish my season could be that exciting, but then I think that I probably would give up because of the stress and quit I'm not too patient, plus I am not even too good at the game itself, as I am still kinda new to baseball (I discovered this whole universe 4 years ago) so I still have to get the hang of the strategies and so on... 162 games being played manually is the only way a season should be played
  22. Have been lurking for a while and it's definitely been an exciting season so far Best of luck on game 5! I always tried to postpone the postseason games for as long as I could...
  23. Thought I'd share a couple as well Here's Ibanez sending a souvenir deep into the night in the bottom of the 9th off the Angels' closer, tying things up at 3 during game 2 of the ALCS. And well, here's the reaction
  24. Take all the time you need Wudl, no rush We all have our lives to deal with afterall! What you said makes perfect sense and I agree with that entirely: the game does need to get leveled up, and that does not only depend on the sliders you are using.
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