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  1. File Name: Ernesto Frieri (Face&Portrait) File Submitter: Kleiverpinzon File Submitted: 15 Jun 2013 File Category: Faces Version: V. 1.0 En Español Solo Cambie El numero de la face (Busquen en el mvpedit le ID Face) igual que el portrait Busquen el numero ID del portrait en el mvpedit Creado por: Kleiverpinzon_12 en mvpcaribe.com Creado por : Kleiverpinzon en mvpmods.com In English Change only the number of the face (Look at the Face ID mvpedit him) Look Like the portrait portrait ID number in the mvpedit Created by: Kleiverpinzon_12 in mvpcaribe.com Created by: Kleiverpinzon in mvpmods.com Click here to download this file
  2. Version V. 1.0


    En Español Solo Cambie El numero de la face (Busquen en el mvpedit le ID Face) igual que el portrait Busquen el numero ID del portrait en el mvpedit Creado por: Kleiverpinzon_12 en mvpcaribe.com Creado por : Kleiverpinzon en mvpmods.com In English Change only the number of the face (Look at the Face ID mvpedit him) Look Like the portrait portrait ID number in the mvpedit Created by: Kleiverpinzon_12 in mvpcaribe.com Created by: Kleiverpinzon in mvpmods.com
  3. File Name: Portraits For MLb2k11 File Submitter: Kleiverpinzon File Submitted: 20 May 2012 File Category: Portraits Portraits For MLb2k11 (the absent are not updated on the leafnut24)http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6527 0014 Jose Altuve Hou 0232 Batolo Colon Oak 0273 Jonny Damon CLE And FA 0506 "livan hernandez" 0918 Andy Pettitte NNY And FA 1277 Randy Wil FA 1506 Carlos Peña Tampa RAys (CUBS?) 1559 CArlos ZAmbrano MiaMi 1562 Marco Scutaro Colorado 1679 Omar infante MIAMI 2746 GAby SAnchez Miami 3004 Chis Snneider HOU 4766 jerome Willians ANA 5255 Emilio Bonifacio Miami 6345 Ramirez Miami 6477 Anibal SAnchez Miami 6575 Jhons Jhonson Miami 6818 Kendry morales ANA 7022 Jonnathan Albaladejo "" 7024 Jesus Montero SEA This is according to the roster last MVPmods Created By "luisgregg" To MLB2k11 (numbers) http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6802 http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6548 Click here to download this file
  4. Version V 0.05


    Portraits For MLb2k11 (the absent are not updated on the leafnut24)http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6527 0014 Jose Altuve Hou 0232 Batolo Colon Oak 0273 Jonny Damon CLE And FA 0506 "livan hernandez" 0918 Andy Pettitte NNY And FA 1277 Randy Wil FA 1506 Carlos Peña Tampa RAys (CUBS?) 1559 CArlos ZAmbrano MiaMi 1562 Marco Scutaro Colorado 1679 Omar infante MIAMI 2746 GAby SAnchez Miami 3004 Chis Snneider HOU 4766 jerome Willians ANA 5255 Emilio Bonifacio Miami 6345 Ramirez Miami 6477 Anibal SAnchez Miami 6575 Jhons Jhonson Miami 6818 Kendry morales ANA 7022 Jonnathan Albaladejo "" 7024 Jesus Montero SEA This is according to the roster last MVPmods Created By "luisgregg" To MLB2k11 (numbers) http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6802 http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=6548
  5. As I Please MLB2k11 Portrait for ayudenme want to learn........ Answer Here For an PM or the same
  6. Nunez revisa MVPCaribe.com Ya te deje un mesaje para la cuenta responde
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