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Everything posted by mac70hr
try changing some of the in game video setting....lower some of them like shadows, fans etc. Its very odd...wish i could help more.
Find new driver here. http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx
Once you run dxdiag .....click on Display. Device name will tell you what graphics card you have. Sounds like a driver issue to me. If you have not updated it in awhile, prob need to. easiest way is to go to your Control Panel, then Hardware and Sound and then Device manager. Click on Display adapters, Right click to properties, Drivers, Update Driver, then search automaticaly for update driver. Hope that helped.
wow, I was thinking about trying to do some faces for my dudes.....but wow!.. Kudos to you. This is not easy. but Thanks for the walkthru Mac
I may be wrong, but I think it only "saves" for your profile....games playes, tendencies..etc. nothing else.
just saw this. Not bad. https://subscription.si.com/storefront/subscribe-to-sports-illustrated/site/si-mlb2k12.html?xid=2K12+-+SI+HP+Textlink&link=1009469 I actually order it today. So my kids can play their own copy and give me a break!
checked the rosters of ur team and other team...could be an issue there or someone on the DL that id still showing on your roster....which happened to me. Check in roster editor the uniforms Padres and Cubs...especially the minor leagues. If one of the minor league uins are bad it will crash the game. I lost a franchise and could not fix it either becuase I messed up the minors (AA) uniforms and it would make the game crash everytime I scrolled throught the manage roster screen in AA. Odd Hope this helps. Mac
check and see if your java is updated. Also, make sure you open it as an administrator.
Detriot: Was wondering If you could do Derek Holland (Texas). Could not find one in the downloads. Thanks Mac
I do not know about The Show but I enjoy playing 2k12. It may have its odd player movements, throwing errors, etc but I enjoy it non the less....its a game. I do not take getting beat by an error in the 9th to the Yankees,,,,,hell, its baseball. It happens. The one thing that makes the PC version so much better is the MOD the guys here make. They really do make the game that much better...and with only paying 15 bucks on Amazon, how bad can it really be. I have only crashed a couple times and that was strictly my own fault because I screwed up installing uniforms to AA teams. Other than that I have had no crashes. Then again, I do have a pretty good gaming computer...that may help too. Just my impressions. Mac
Yeah, I figured it was a generic email answer. I havent played PC games in a while (except World of Warcraft, and they patch it seems every week) so I did not know what to expect with the PC time line. Since my kids tie up the 2 ps3s for Call of Duty I figured I go back to my PC for sports....so much for that.
I emailed 2ksports and asked If and when a PC patch will be released.............. there response: Alexis L, Jun 06 14:15 (PDT): Hello. Unfortunately i have no information at the time for this.However you can frequently check back and go on the 2k sports website to see if they will have any updates. Kind Regards Alexis L.
Hey Guys - I thought I saw something on it before but could not find it. Why do some of my players have a bald head "in game" but not in, manage roster screen? Couple of my computer generated players have the bald head going on. Is there a fix? Thanks in advance.
yeah, I do not think so. Pretty much capped at 100.
I have my power at around 30 I believe. I hit an average about 1-3 a game. The season I just finished the most in the league was Miguel Cabrera with 43 second was A-Roid with 40. Most on my team was Papi and Gonzo with around 33-36.
do not know what I did, but I installed one of the Redsox unis mods....the one who have to import the text file to roster editor. Don’t know what it did but overwrite alt red sox uniforms to minor league slots and every time I tried to play certain teams the game would crash. I went into roster editor and could not seem to fix it. ex: TB AA team had the Sox (1931 i think) uniform assigned to it. A couple other AA teams had no uniforms assigned. I tried everything and could not get it right, even reinstalled the game and kept my franch saved game....still crashed when I tried to play or scrolled thought AA rosters. As soon as I hit a screwed up AA team, crash. I am sure its something I did wrong but I had to start my fransh over which I was not happy about....not to mention all the other mods I lost when I reinstalled. Good Luck. Mac
I just had this happen too. Oswald had two days left at the end of the season. No hes on a 2 dayrehad stint.....that will last the entire spring training. That cant be that hard to fix in a patch. Wish I knew how to make these damn games.
Well guys, I have been playing baseball games back since I got my first Atari, then Nintendo (Baseball Stars my all time fav), then Saga, than playstation, then ps2, ps3, x box and PC. I have played them all (I am showing my age now). I have played baseball and softball my entire life and actually had scholarships to play 1st base and pitch, until I torn my rotor cuff in beginning of my senior year. I was at around 93-94 on my fastball. So, instead I joined the Army. anyway, to say the least and not for lack of trying...I have never pitched a no hitter or a perfect game on a video game. Its 3 am, I was in the bottom of the ninth, one out and had not given up any hits or walks, 16 Ks. Ok....so It was spring training and against the Pirates. I play my franchise with the Redsox (2nd season). I play about 90% of all the games...mostly with my two kids helping. I gave up a single to left with one out....he stole second and I struck out the last two. Good thing I didnt wake my wife up to show her....which I was planning to do. The simple things in life I guess. Since I am recovering from number 3 shoulder surgery I have some extra time to try again I guess. Happy gaming fellas. sorry for the long story. Mac
I did get the game NBA 2k12) for 9 bucks. I can see were all the sports effect went to...pretty amazing game even without all the mods availiable. Me and the kids like it pretty much. Well worth the 9 bones I spent. Mac
I 2nd the Middlebrookes face....Thanks well, any of the Redsox cybers that have not been done as of yet. I think I have downloaded all that you great modders have posted so far. But Thanks Mac
That is were I downloaded mine from...it was on sale for $14.99 on April 14th. I could not find it in the stores anywhere. I actually just downloaded NBA 2k12 for $9.00. Havent played it yet but for 10 bucks it cant be that bad. Anyone play it, any good? I did open it and look at the lay out of the menu screens ...they had over 1000 people online playing. MLB will have 100 at best, whats the deal??? Mac (still waiting for that MLB PC patch)
just read on another site someone updated their PS3 game with the new patch about 30 min ago....any dif word if we will get one for PC or not? Very disappointing. Mac
I had a feeling it would be minor tweaks and no major overhaul of the sim engine. I am not a computer wiz but it can't be that difficult for these guys to at least fix the line up issue. I had a feeling they may leave out the PC version.....I guess we will see.
You are welcome...took me 5 installs and luck to figure it out. The amazing mods and editor these guys puch out, for me at least, make a world of difference to my game. Mac