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Everything posted by Bama

  1. Hey guys- Haven't been around for a while. You guys have gotten so much better in that timespan...I was wondering, if anyone's got the time, if someone would be able to make a tutorial for sig making...so I can 'steal' some of your new techniques...
  2. Spungo, have I mentioned I love your work?
  3. No, not really...67,500 doesn't equal 59,375 :rocklicker: I took a break from sig making...and baseball, but now I'm back, for good hopefully. Can you guys give me some C&C on these few sigs? These are my first in a while..
  4. ...It's great to be back. I like to think the release of MVP07 was to compliment my return. ...Drew Brees's injury yesterday once again proves why the Pro Bowl is worthless. ...Who the **** is going to play 2B for the Braves next year? ...Manchester United "Football" is the greatest.
  5. ...It's good to be back. Excellent work you guys, here's to the 07 mod. Kraw, you said a few pages ago that you hate writing documentation. If you need help or someone to write it, I'd be more than happy to.
  6. I'm still here (barely)...stupid school.
  7. Really? I like it...what brushes are those anyways?
  8. I've still got it... I don't change my sig around that often
  9. Hey KC, can I request an Andruw Jones sig?
  10. Piston, did you use visitor? Remember, Bitmap fonts can only be used at a certain size, like 10, or 13 in Visitor's case (I think)
  11. Hey Fastflink, or anyone, for that matter...can you make me a wallpaper with Andruw Jones and Jeff Francoeur?
  12. I love the tiling in the back. Good job.
  13. What happened to good, old-fashioned, cutting them out yourselves?
  14. @Fundus: The Maroney one and the wallpapers are sick, I'm not really feeling the Lecavelier one though...it feels a bit, disconnected, I guess. @Dagger: That's a pretty good sig, especially for your first time. @Fastflink: This may be one of your best sigs if you find a way to get Chad Johnson as the focal point. The background's got a nice flow, but my eyes tend to drift towards the logo more than "Ocho Cinco". @Fred: You're making some killer wallpapers...you think you can make me one with the Jaguars and the Mavericks (1024x768?) Thanks. Oh yeah, an update on the tutorials that i promised to post...probably next week or so, my computer is really being a huge piece of ****. It keeps freezing or restarting...about every 1/2 an hour. I'm going to reformat and install some new hardware this upcoming weekend, so hopefully it'll be resolved by then.
  15. Fred, that Crosby-Malkin background is SICK
  16. I'll put a link to that, neon fonts, player 'glow', and quick blending in my tutorial supplement probably by tonight.. BTW, thanks for the tip Fundus
  17. I like it. Anyone want to tell me a sure-fire method to getting your picture and the background to be...'tinted' the same color like that one?
  18. You guys are making me embarrassed!
  19. Glowing text eh? I'll add a tutorial for that in a couple of days...
  20. I like it...font needs a bit of work, maybe some fading on it. It looks like you went for a 'fading' theme on the image, so the font should probably mimic it as well.
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