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Everything posted by Bama

  1. KC's got some 'splanin to do...
  2. And..you downloaded the files...extracted the .ttfs to the desktop, then moved them in there...got a dialogue box with 2 horizontal bars showing installation progress...then double-clicked the files in the C:WindowsFonts folders that you just installed, and then closed PS and restarted and they're still not in there? Weird. Damn you M$!
  3. Actually, there is...and a few ways to do it either. You can either change the layer mode (see my GIMP tutorial for examples)...or lower the opacity slider (also in my GIMP tutorial, i'm pretty sure)
  4. I've discussed this in my tutorial, I think...but if not.. When you paste a new image, it's pasted as a floating layer, which, as I see it (though I'm no GIMP geek) is pretty worthless. So when you paste it, either click Layer>Anchor Layer to make it part of the bottom layer (usually not a good idea, especially if you want to scale it) or click Layer>New Layer to make it it's own layer. Then, get the scale tool out (Ctrl+T i think is the key bind) and go from there.
  5. Try a restart? Also...if you're moving the ttfs from a zip file, you'll have to extract it to your desktop or something first, then move them to the font folder. In my experiences, they don't install if you extract straight to the Fonts folder.
  6. Yeah, really, any bitmap font they've got. Remember, they can only be effectively used at 1 size and without anti-aliasing or hinting!
  7. The Progressor has spoken!
  8. It's not that I'm mad because it's impossible for me to win...i'm just mad at how some people are douches about it "This guy sucks..." "Lesser of two evils" Hell, I saw someone comment to someone else "Never make sigs again"
  9. /me would like photoshop... BTW, i'm getting murdered at NSL. "Your sig sucks"..i'm kind of...amused by it, actually.
  10. I'll probably contribute something dumb...like this post. Just write it down, I'll contribute something. EDIT: Multilanguage support!
  11. Eh, I hope you don't take this the wrong way: PROS -Good cutouts -2 players in 1 sig -Good incorporation of the logos -Border CONS -Players are microscopic -Font is hard to read -Background doesn't contrast much Keep trying, you'll get there one day!
  12. Easily your best sig yet. Great job.
  13. I like the Rollins one...though the Phillies logo looks out of place..Also, you didn't erase the Trademark symbol, though thats really just a pet peeve of mine. I'm not really feeling the brushes on the pudge one, but good effort.
  14. That's just sick fred! Nice job
  15. Wow, you managed to make the 9ers look kind of not bad, which is amazing. Now try doing that for the Raiders
  16. Don't worry, none of you GIMP users are good as me... OK, i can't stop laughing. Anyway, here's a WIP, suggestions would be greatly appreciated:
  17. It does. Try refreshing your browser. Photobucket does funny **** like that sometimes.
  18. translucent grid on the second one Thanks for the C&C
  19. New sigs, subtle differences, C&C please: Thanks
  20. Great video KC! Greatly appreciated.
  21. Figo!!!! That video would be greatly appreciated KC! The sigs are great, as usual, i think the second one's a bit plain though...not really a problem though...personal taste
  22. Yeh, I was wondering that too
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