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Posts posted by Bama


    "So Easy, Even I Can Do Them!"

    This tutorial is for users using The GIMP which can be found somewhere online. Photoshoppers can probably use this too, while they gloat (or while they 6560.jpg [Ross GLOAD] (yes I know i'm lame)) about having 600 bucks to spend on software. Anyways...

    We're going to use an Hi-Res image of Chase Utley found on CBS Sportsline for this tutorial.

    Here's the picture: utley.jpg

    You can download the picture here: http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m212/Th...orial/utley.jpg

    Now, Open the Image in GIMP. Select the scissors tool with a 10 pt radius, feather edges and anti-aliasing. Anti-Aliasing prevents jagged edges, and feather edges allows the glowing effect around the cutout, along with leaving less jagged edges that look like poor free-hand cutouts. Here's what your toolkit should look like: Tools.jpg

    Using the scissors, select a starting point around Utley. Make sure it borders him. Click that point and let go of the mouse. Now select another nearby point around Utley. If a line connecting 2 points cuts into Utley, manually drag that line to where you want it to be. When you almost return to your starting point, make one last vertex (point/dot) right next to your first one. Now click your first dot/point/vertex. When your mouse hovers over that point, your cursor should change to an arrow with a four-headed arrow. Click that. Now click inside your image (your cursor should now look like scissors). If you did it correctly, your image should be surrounded by a blinking black and white outline like this: outlined.jpg

    If not, start over. (Just click any other tool then the scissors to start over).

    EDIT: Ok, well not like that, but that's how the image should look before you click inside of it. The yellowish/black-white dotted outline around the whole canvas should take the place (minus the yellow) of the line with dots on it if you do the above correctly. Sorry for any problems this may have caused :D

    Now cut or copy the selection (Ctrl+X or Ctrl+C)

    Now, click file, new, you will see a dialog box. View all the options and select a transparent background. Do not worry about the size, GIMP will automatically generate the correct size: new.jpg

    Now paste your image: lastone.jpg

    Next, click Layer and select "Anchor Layer'' to make your image 1 layer.

    You may have some areas that need cleaning up. For example, between Utley's right arm and his lower torso there's a tan mark (a specator's head). You can't see it in the above picture because I already cleaned it up, but you can here: Utley.png. To remove it, outline the blob of the guy's head with the scissors, select it, and cut it out, or erase it.

    Finally, clean up whatever needs to be cleaned up. You should end up with something like this: Finished.png

    Save your image as a .psd, .png, or .gif. Congrats! You're done!

    Guys, as a request, please let me know if this tutorial helped you out. Thanks!

  2. I didn't really notice that, just there is a weird like blob thing on the utley one other than that they are great! Dom, I think you should download some brushes or something because you keep doing this like spotlight lighting effect that makes them look unprofessional. Just a tip. Open for requests now if anyone wants an avatar or sig.

    Thanks for the C&C Fastflink. I just noticed that blob too...I think it was because i stretched out utley underneath and used i think it was burn to add the color.

    Here's the fix:


    BTW Fastflink, I remember you telling me you were a UT Fan? If so, here's a little gift from a Bama fan:


  3. Can I get some C&C on my first couple sig attempts?

    Here they are:



    EDIT: The Prothro one was my first, and was kinda patterned after a Hernandez one i saw (I think KC Did it). So I guess it can count as plagarism...

    Thanks in advance!

    BTW, I used the GIMP to answer someone's question...

  4. How biased is the New York post?

    -The Mets crush the Braves, again, and Randy Johnson and the Yanks get annialated by the D-Rays I might, and who gets the back page? The Yanks. Unbeliveable.

    - Mets are winning the NL East this year. No bout a dout it. -)

    - Beltran! Third Grand Slam this year. And in the words of WFAN broadcasters, he is the salami king.

    - I can go for some salami.

    - Saved up for the 360!

    Like a sore Braves fan:

    "The division is bullshit anyway. You really want the wildcard. And guess what, the Mets aren't going to win it [the wildcard], we are...you guys lose, we win again, Go Braves"

  5. I just whipped this one up. Comment if ya like:


    It's good but I don't like the font.

    I find that the problem with all my signatures too (the ones I make) that the fonts usually don't work right

  6. ...man my stomach and my legs, and my arms hurt...stupid Diabetes.

    ...I nearly had a heart attack when I looked at the calendar today, 2 weeks until the new semester starts.

    ...as much as I hate the rain, i want it to rain here so I don't have to go water the grass again.

    ...friends coming from Ohio this week, can't wait to shove it in their faces that we've got Wickman now and they don't.

  7. - High School exam review is killing me. Hey dumbass that sits to the left of me...if you don't know what the periodic table is maybe you shouldn't be in AP Chemistry.

    -I wanted to go watch a Birmingham Barons game last night, but I didn't feel like using gas.

    -I might start digging for oil underneath my house so I don't have to pay for gas, or even worse...

    -I might get a job.

    -****...I just noticed its mother's day. Does Wal-Mart sell flowers?

    -I hate the RIAA

    -I hate that punk who stole my baseball bat. Hey buddy, you're not allowed to come up on my front porch whenever you feel like it. Period. Actually, you're not allowed 20 feet near my front porch you little punk. Steal something from me again, I dare you.

    -Where did I leave those tickets?

    -Not everyone can write a book. This includes you Jennifer Wilbanks and you Natalee Holloway's dad. Just because something happened in your life doesn't mean that people want to read about it for 24.95. Get over yourselves.

    -I started playing America's Army with a bunch of my friends so we could anonymously challenge one of our teachers whose obsessed with it. Now, I fear, I might be getting obsessed with it, I know, I'll go outside and hit a baseball...oh wait...that stupid punk took my baseball bat and I don't have the money for gas, nor do I want to dig, *gasp*, I might have to study today.

  8. I got 4 pitches

    4-Seam: Its about 68, its doesnt' move at all

    2-Seam: About 60, it isn't that fast, but it moves

    Slider: About 60 at best, moves a lot though, its my strikeout pitch

    Changeup: 50 Mph, Its got a good bit of sink in it

    Well, the pitches aren't that great, though i like to think my slider is, i got a deceptive delivery though

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