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Files posted by Ghostrider

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  1. Ghostrider's Pitchers & Correct Pitches - AL East Edition

    These pitch lists have been collected via scouting reports from FOX Sports and ESPN, among other sources. I have also consulted with individuals who closely follow specific teams and pitchers. Pitch movements and velocities have been included for many, but not all. I did not intend on including pitch velocities and movement initially, but I changed my mind, so please bear with me as I research further! Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project. Please remember that your added support and donations keep this project alive and updated and allows for the possibility of future projects that will further enhance the MVP Baseball experience. It is possible that this information could be incorporated into a roster file in the future, so stay tuned for that possibility. Most of the pitch lists should be spot on, except for lesser-known pitchers who may bounce between the majors and minors. If the response to this project is strong and everything goes well, I will include any minor-league pitchers that I can. If you find an inconsistency in these pitch lists, please post it in the thread along with the reason you think it should be changed and include a source if possible (website, scouting report, etc.). Thanks again everyone for your continued help and support! Please provide me with CONSTRUCTIVE feedback! For issues regarding this project, please see the appropriate forum topic: http://www.mvpmods.com/index.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=21497 What to look for in future releases: -Next release will be AL Central -Added pitchers based on roster moves/trades -Update velocities and movement


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