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    Your local Taco Bell
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    MVP Baseball! Duh! Why else would I be here?

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  1. Works great. Thanks
  2. Yes yes I know that but where is it in the MVP 2005 main folder?
  3. Yes I know you delete but where do you find it so I can delete it?
  4. Centuries ago (at least that's what it feels like), I downloaded MVP Baseball 07 for MVP Baseball 05. The past few years, I haven't changed the season because I loved the 07 season. Well I love the 2012 season even better. I have no clue where I put the 07 Total Conversion mod and don't know how or where to delete it so I can get MVP 12. Please help. Thanks.
  5. Installing now! So hyped!
  6. Could someone please do the Tampa Bay!
  7. Not to worry. I figured it out. Works fine. Thanks for the help.
  8. One last question. I have found uniforms.big. I used 7-Zip to get into the file. When I try to open that file, what program should I choose to open that file up?
  9. It downloads fine. When I got to my download folder, it is listed as a zipped file. I try to unzip the folder but it come up with a message saying that the file can't be found.
  10. I found EAgraph. I downloaded it but when I try to unzip it, it says that the program can't be found. Am I not doing something right?
  11. 1. 4 Seam Fastball 2. Palmball 3. Eephus 4. Slider 5. Circle Change
  12. What program can I get access to the uniform folder?
  13. I recently downloaded MVP Baseball 2007. My first question is there anyway to change it to 2012. Next I need some help with uniforms. According to MVP Baseball 2005 for Dummies, the uniforms are located in the data folder. The problem is I can't seem to open it up. It is listed as a WinZip file on my computer and when I try to open it in WinZip, it won't open. Help is appreciated.
  14. I have an Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family
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