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Huston Street


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first of all, if you don't have it already, download mvpedit. It's fairly easy to use. Or, if you'd rather, download EAgraphics editor or BigGui, and i have better pics of most, if not all of the A's minors, including Street, Robnett and others that were drafted earlier this year already in fsh format and i can send them to you.

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There are a few ways to do this... deep breath. First, Download MVPedit 0.19 or above, http://www.glass4.com/mvpedit/. this will allow you to extract the basic roster, into the program and and identify, label and fine tune players and characteristics.

Each player has a ID number that the game reads and showsthe Photo and Audio for that number. They use a funky numbering system to catolog all players. I've made an MS Excel spreadsheet that has ever player number. Use MVPedit to change and add numbers to players that don't have any. Now, Huston Street, if your using a virgin copy of the roster, won't have a number. Create Street, fine tune him to the best of your ability, and change the Photo/Audio File nuber to one that hasn't been used. Click on the area that says no photo. Then add a 128x128 cropped version of the pic into the first box, then add an alpha. an alpha is like a negative cut-out in an 8-bit format, (you'll understand when you see it used in the game).

This creates an .FSH file located in the C/Mvpbaseball/data/frontend/portraits section on your harddrive. If you download general fsh files from this site use EAgraphics editor http://www.mvpmods.com/modules.php?name=Do...amp;show=10#cat to import, just make sure that the numbers on the fsh file corespond with the ones on your mvpedit roster. its a bit monotonous but i find it really fun. if you have more quetions, and i'm sure there will be, just post it here. i'll send a link or something to email the pics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey man, I cleaned up the white around them and finished the FSH files for them. I numbered them 5000.fsh for Huston Street and 5001.fsh for Jairo Garcia. Do you suggest that I create them in the game or on MVPedit?

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first open mvpedit. import -> dat file. C:/ program files / EAsports / MVPbaseball2004 / data. This opens roster that the game has come with/ or has already been exported into the game. find the Oakland Athletics in the team scroll menu, then toggle between which ever level ML/AAA/AA you want to create Street. Pick which ever player you want to use, edit to you hearts content. to add the picture, click on the whit box in the top right corner. The picture i gave you goes in the picture spot, and the other pic, the one with the black and white silhouette goes in to the alpha. click ok that adds the picture to your portrait file. add a few pictures at a time, then back them up regularly. Sometimes when you reach a certain amount of pics in the file, the gfxpak that allows you to view them in mvpedit dies, and won't show them. if that happens, take the portrait file out of the data/frontend folder and put it in a temp folder. then copy the portrait.big file from data/frontend on the cd and place it where th old one was. then add more pics to that one but write down the numbers that you added. Download BIGgui from mvpmods. open it, then open the portrait file you just added. find the numbers you added to it. then export them to the temp folder. go to File/close, then file/open then open the portrait from the temp folder. import the files you added to the temp folder. that's it . then copy the temp folder portrait file to the data/frontend and you're done. i have done all of the teams exceptions and the occasional player i can't find a picture for so lets just say my portrait folder is 212mb! well i hope that helps

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Uhh... what I did was that I put the alpha picture on top of the actual picture and colored out all the white in EAGE, saved it as an FSH file, labeled them two FSH file numbers not in the portrait.big file already - 5000.fsh (Huston Street) and 5001.fsh (Jairo Garcia). Then I just imported them. Will that suffice or no?

I haven't created them yet. If that works, I can turn all these player portraits that the one guy has been posting just images of.

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no that won't work. an alpha is a layer. an 8-bit bmp file that masks the 24-bit bmp. the compter takes the two of them, layers the alpha on top, in the same way a sci-fi movie uses blue screen. When you play the game, the portrait looks like a cut-out, and the game will paste the picture onto whatever back ground it wants, making the players' photo stand out.

let me put something together for you

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